The Five Great Elements (Mahabhutas) and Cosmic Colors
The universe is believed to be composed of five basic elements: ether, air, fire, water, and earth. These elements are associated with specific cosmic colors:
- Ether: Blue
- Air: Violet
- Fire: Red and yellow
- Water: Orange and indigo
- Earth: Green
The Five Subtle Elements (Tanmatras) and the Senses
The five subtle elements, or Tanmatras, are linked to the senses and cosmic rays:
- Smell (nose): Green
- Touch (skin): Violet
- Taste (tongue): Orange
- Sight (eyes): Red
- Sound (ears): Blue
The Three Doshas and Color Associations
Ayurveda recognizes three fundamental life forces, or Doshas: Vata (air), Pitta (fire), and Kapha (water and earth). These Doshas are associated with color as follows:
- Vata (harmony): Blue and violet
- Pitta (energy): Red and yellow
- Kapha (inertia): Indigo and green
Cosmic Rays and Creation
The text suggests that all creation is composed of and influenced by the spectrum of light (ROYGBIV). These rays are believed to permeate the universe, constantly surrounding everything.
Human Body Correspondences
The passage concludes with a comparison between the human body and the cosmos, although the specific element or system pairings are not provided. Here’s a possible interpretation:
- Integumentary (skin, hair, nails): Connects to the external world, similar to the Cosmos
- Musculoskeletal (muscles, bones): Provides structure and support, like the Geo-sphere (Earth)
- Circulatory (blood, heart): Moves fluids throughout the body, similar to the Hydro-sphere (water)
- Respiratory (lungs, breathing): Enables gas exchange, similar to the Atmos-phere (air)
- Digestive/Reproductive (digestion, elimination, reproduction): Processes and creates new life, similar to the Bio-sphere (living organisms)
- Nervous (brain, nerves): Coordinates and controls bodily functions, similar to the Anthropo-sphere (humanity)
Please note that the interpretation of the human body correspondences is a possibility, and the original text might have intended different pairings.