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The Ancient Wisdom of Vedic Astrology and Gemstones

This verse from Sanskrit, written thousands of years ago, states a profound truth: our inner and outer worlds are interconnected. The elements that make up the Earth – air, water, fire, and earth itself – are also present within us.

Science confirms this. We are composed mostly of water, require constant air intake, and need to maintain a specific body temperature. The food we eat comes from the Earth, nourishing us with vital minerals.

Vedic science takes this concept further, proposing that gemstones concentrate Earth’s energy. Just as the right balance of air, water, food, and heat sustains us, specific gemstones can enhance our well-being.

Gemstones and Their Effects

Consider gemstones like tools. A piece of iron becomes a life-saving instrument in a doctor’s hands. Similarly, Vedic astrology prescribes gemstones based on the principles of nature and Earth’s composition.

The five basic elements – fire, water, air, earth, and cosmic energy – influence gemstones. By harmonizing with these energies, we can improve our lives. Nature provides these elements, and we rely on them for survival.

How Vedic Astrology Uses Gemstones

Vedic astrology analyzes your unique birth chart to recommend gemstones. This is not a replacement for medical attention, but rather a complementary practice for natural wellness. Ancient scriptures highlight the connection between color, planets, and gemstones.

The color spectrum (ROYGBIV) relates to various wavelengths of light that have specific effects on our mind and body. Gemstones concentrate these pure rays, giving them curative properties.

The Benefits of Vedic Gemstones

Wearing properly prescribed gemstones can promote balance and well-being. Here’s a brief overview of some gemstones and their potential benefits:

  • Ruby (Sun): Associated with red cosmic rays, ruby may help with ailments like leprosy, ulcers, and fevers. It is also believed to bring dignity and respect.
  • Pearl (Moon): Ruled by orange cosmic rays, pearl is said to be beneficial for mental peace, memory, and emotional well-being.
  • Coral (Mars): Attracting yellow cosmic rays, coral is considered helpful for conditions like diabetes, skin diseases, and maintaining marital bliss.
  • Emerald (Mercury): Associated with green cosmic rays, emerald may support memory, communication, and healthy relationships.
  • Yellow Sapphire (Jupiter): Governed by blue cosmic rays, yellow sapphire is believed to promote good health, success, and sound reasoning.
  • Diamond (Venus): Associated with indigo cosmic rays, diamond is said to enhance attraction, intellect, and creativity.
  • Blue Sapphire (Saturn): Ruled by violet cosmic rays, blue sapphire may benefit those experiencing nervous disorders, weakness, or kidney problems.
  • Hessonite (Rahu): Attracting ultraviolet cosmic rays, hessonite is believed to protect against obstacles, promote well-being, and ease marital issues.
  • Cat’s Eye (Ketu): Associated with infrared cosmic rays, cat’s eye is said to offer protection and potentially help with skin problems and insect bites.


It is important to remember that this information is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. While Vedic astrology offers a unique perspective on wellness, consulting a qualified healthcare professional is essential for any health concerns.